1 month and 6 days old. My little man Ameir is still thriving and doing amazing. This week at the doctors Ameir weighed 5 pounds 10 ounces. At the rate he is going I am going to have me a little chunker on my hands in no time. Ameir was diagnosed with reflux this week, after getting input from other Trisomy 18 mommies I took him in to be seen. When I told the doctor about the symptoms: sneezing, irritability at feeding time, spitting up a little yellowish liquid (bile).....she said it sounded more like an obstruction and panicked so we were sent for a STAT Upper GI. Results were mild reflux and gas with no other abnormalities. I also got a call from our first choice pediatrician. He explained that he was on vacation last week and wanted to check on Ameir. I had to use another pediatrician because on discharge we were told Ameir had to be seen in 3 days. The office did not explain to me that Dr was out, just that if the appointment they had would not work we had to choose another doctor. He still wants to be Ameir's doctor so we will begin seeing him Friday. He has another T18 child so I want to use him as he is more familiar with issues our children face.
Life at home is busy. We have a lot of appointments and people coming to the house, but I am told that will slow down soon. I wouldn't trade having Ameir home for the world. Overall Ameir is a pretty easy baby. He cries at feeding time and when his diaper is dirty. He loves to snuggle with mommy. He sleeps pretty good.
Here are a couple pics from the week.