August 6, 2012
3 Weeks Old
Happy 3 weeks little man.
We have had several uneventful days and if you have ever had a baby in the NICU that is good news! Ameir is up to 4 pounds 3 ounces. He is at the 3rd percentile on the growth chart, well below where we would want him to be but we are happy that he is at least on the charts. Today Ameir had his hearing screen and failed. This is just a screening, all it means is that Ameir was flagged to have further testing. We do this on an outpatient visit.
Friday Ameir got a cast on his foot, to correct his clubbed foot.
And back off the CPAP onto nasal cannula.
Ameir's nurse brought him a mobile and he loves it.
Attempt at a boppy pillow.
Adrianna got to stay at the hospital and Ronald McDonald house with me over the weekend. She was a total baby hog!! She helped with bath time and brushing Ameir's hair. I could not get her to diaper him.
Look at this trick :) Ameir has started to tongue out his feeding tube.
He LOVES his little mobile!! So cute. Love his little tongue trick and I still cannot get over his amazing head of hair!!!