Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Seen little man twice in one week!

Sunday May 20th I got to see Amir on 4d ultrasound at Baby Envision thanks to a very special organization Sustaining Grace.  Scott and Diane's daughter Grace was also diagnosed with Trisomy 18 early in pregnancy and they chose to carry their daughter as I have my son.

I loved being able to see him and direct the tech where to look.  I finally got to see that Amir does have forearms and hands and fingers.  I believe what he has is called radial aplasia.  It is where there is no radial bone in the forearm.  His forearms are short but they are present.  This occurs in less than 5% of Trisomy 18 babies.  It still seems we have dodged the 90% chance of congenital heart defects.  So we will take the arm thing with a huge sigh of relief.

We even got to pick out a heart beat animal.  Big sister Adrianna picked out the monkey because it will match the Rock Star Monkey bedding set we picked out. 

Today May 23rd I had a routine 28 week OB appointment.  Well, I failed my 1 hour glucose tolerance test :(  so I will have to follow a high sugar diet for 3 days then have a 3 hour glucose tolerance test.  My belly is measuring 37cm (normal is 28cm for 28 weeks pregnant) so I got a surprise ultrasound today.  I got to see Amir but the real reason was to check my fluid level.  3 weeks ago I had 30cm pockets of fluid and today I had 37cm pockets of I get to go back in another week for an ultrasound recheck of fluid level.  My OB is checking with the maternal fetal specialist to see if putting me on a medication called Indocin would help to lower the fluid level.  One good thing about this medication is it is also used to treat preterm labor and I have been having contractions daily for weeks now, maybe that would help with those as well.  The other option he will be talking to her about is draining the excess fluid (I will be politely refusing) the risk involved to Amir is not worth the benefits to me. 

As always thoughts and prayers are always appreciated.


  1. He's beautiful!!!!!!!!! I remember that 3 hour test.... I took my Macbook along w/ 2 DVD's and it flew by LOL.... Praying for you and the family!!!! xo

    1. I might have to take something to watch too. 10 years ago the lab let you leave between draws as long as you didn't eat, now they make you stay. Thanks for the prayers. Mylah is an inspiration you know :)
