Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, June 16, 2012

31 Weeks

30 Weeks 2 days
Seen my OB today.  I still have polyhydramnios and my measurement has hit 40cm. Today my c-section was scheduled for July 24th ~ 37 weeks.  I am kind of sad because I want to have Amir on August 8th.  If July 24th is better for my body and for Amir though we will do it.  I am hopeful that he drops and my measurement goes down so I can carry him a little longer.  I am still carrying quite high but doing well enough to skip an appointment next week :)  Amir is head down facing my back so we didn't get one good picture, but that's ok since I had an ultrasound Monday with the specialist and got some nice face shots. 

31 Weeks


Finally a week with no appointments.  Well, no appointments with my OB.  I had to find a new primary care doctor because of insurance and picked a clinic that was recommended by my sister (a nurse at the local hospital).  It just so happens that my favorite doctor from an old job is one of the doctors there.  So we caught up a little bit and I explained what we are going through right now and she actually knows a lot about Trisomy 18.  She was explaining to the resident and I that the degree of a baby being affected has to do with when the extra chromosome appeared in the creation of the zygote.  Well above my head here, but this was the first time I had actually had the how explained to me. 
HELLO heartburn.  I have not had heartburn in 2 years (since I had lap band surgery) but this week has been horrible.  I hope it means Amir will have a head full of hair like his sister did.

I found this picture frame at Burlington and had to have it.  It is so fitting for us.  I also got lucky and found some preemie pajamas that aren't yellow and some preemie onesies.  I am going to pack our hospital bag next week and put the car seat in my car.  

Back the first week I found out I was pregnant I joined an August Birth Club.  I have done pretty well with seeing everyone's purchases and ultrasound pics, but this week some have started having their baby showers and it makes me really sad.  I should be celebrating too, but it hurts too bad right now so I will save the celebration until I bring my baby home.  I took my name off the secret sister list so I won't be participating in the gift exchange.  I have hovered over the leave group 100 times or more but still remain for now as they can share some of the pregnancy moments and feelings with me.


  1. I love reading this blog about baby amir, you're such a brave mommy and no matter what happens amir will know he's loved <3 hugs!

  2. I've considered leaving the group so many times too, but have decided to stay. Our babies are special, for different reasons, and they still deserve to be celebrated. Honestly, I just skip over the baby shower pics, I don't bother to look at all. We will get our time to go overboard celebrating our babies... It makes us stronger having to wait til they come home. ::hugs::

    1. I am really happy for them, I also worry my ability to handle it when they start having their babies too, I should be closer to the front of the pack with delivery, so I should be alright. I am pretty emotional to begin with. You are so right about celebrating after our babies come home. I can't wait!!
