Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

33 Weeks 2 Days

June 27, 2012

Not a whole lot has happened since I updated last.  I saw my regular OB last week and my fluid level has came down significantly.  My fluid level was at 41cm on June 6th and on June 20th it was at 33cm.  More good news my uterus measurement is still at 40cm so Amir seems to be growing into the space that was taken up by amniotic fluid previously.  I will have a growth scan on July 3rd and as long as Amir continues to grow my placenta is functioning and I will be able to continue to our planned c-section on July 24th.....that is only 27 more days away.  The closer I get the more excited and nervous I get.

Belly shot taken today.

I learned how to loom knit baby hats and have made several hats for Amir.  I also made him a fleece tie blanket.  I am not the most crafty person so it is at least something special for Amir that I made.  Adrianna picked out the fabric and yarn.

Today the hospital nurse called me to give me directions for my c-section.  I cried like a baby through the phone call.  No real reason so I blame it on pregnancy hormones. I also finally typed my birth plan and sent it to a couple Trisomy 18 moms to review and make sure that I didn't forget anything.

Next thing I need to finish is packing our hospital bags.....

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