Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

2 days old

July 18, 2012

My little Warrior Prince Ameir

Finally mommy got some sleep.  Still not a nights rest, but enough to say it happened.  After Ameir was put back on the vent last night I was a little worried about him, I did call after every assessment to see how he was doing and if he was resting. 

This morning I went upstairs to visit and found Ameir sunbathing.  Well not really sunbathing but close to it.  Ameir's bilirubin was slightly elevated so he was put on photo-therapy lighting today before he actually got jaundice.  They have to protect his eyes form the light so he has sunglasses on :)   

Also I noticed the little tube in the air behind him.  Guess what that is?  Formula!  They started feeding my baby via the oral feeding tube.  Now I really need my milk to come in for Ameir.  I am so proud of my little man getting stronger and being able to tolerate new things.  His first feed was 2ml's of formula which is about half a teaspoon. 

He has some big feet for such a little guy.  His feet are as long as my pinkie finger.

On my way out his nurse told me that she was going to be taking out his umbilical artery line in an hour or two.  Yay, another step forward. 

This is his blood pressure cuff.  I can't believe how small it is.

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